Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little - 3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 16th Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89169

Man Pleads Not Guilty to Vehicular Homicide

On Thursday, February 4, a Renton man pleaded not guilty to vehicular homicide.

Alan Meadows, aged 35, was accused of hitting and killing a man with his vehicle when the man was crossing Houser Way North near Liberty Park on January 17.

The victim was 42 year old Ley-Eric D. Sanford, of Las Vegas who died of blunt force injury to his head and body. He was crossing Houser Way outside of a marked crosswalk when Meadows who was driving his 2007 Chevrolet Silverado northbound on the road, knocked him down.

According to court documents, Meadows had been celebrating in a local tavern with a friend, who was in the passenger seat when the incident happened. Meadows was arrested at the scene and posted $100,000 bail some three days later.

The court documents also said that Meadows did not brake or take any measures to try and avoid hitting the victim just north of the Cedar River Bridge.

If you, or someone you know, have been the victim of a serious car accident, contact the Reno accident attorneys of Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little at (702) 699-7500 or contact us online today.